Gray Fox Kits
Baby gray foxes are called kits, and they are some of the cutest little canines to walk the earth? Don’t believe me? Check out these pictures! Living exclusively in North America (though there have been small populations spotted as far south as the very northerly regions of South America), cute gray foxes are a prolific species who are not at all threatened for extinction.
The gray fox has the distinction among canine species (dogs) for being one of the best tree climbers. It has long strong claws that help it escape up trees from predators such as coyotes. Only the raccoon dog of Asia has tree-climbing skills rivaling those of the gray fox. Although mostly “gray” they also have brown-reddish underparts and dark gray to black markings as well.
Interestingly, the also adorable red fox which is now far more common in North America wasn’t always so – it’s said that human impact has caused the grey fox to go from being more dominant to being the less populous species of the two cute fox species. All the same, these foxes live in cute family groups and are in fact monogamous, meaning fox parents mate for life! We here at the baby animal zoo have a bet running, which fox do our readers think is cuter? Red or gray?