Owlets, Owl Chicks, Baby Owls
Owls don’t usually make their own nests instead they find nests that other birds have left from the previous year or they simply find a good spot in a tree or among rocks. Depending on the species, owls can lay anywhere from 1 to 13 eggs in the nest. When the eggs hatch they often do so separated by intervals (often two days) so that the newborn chicks vary in size. In tough times, if there’s not enough food to go around some of the newborns don’t survive. The males do their best to deliver food to the nest as often as possible. Owls are generally monogamous and territorial, especially during breeding time. Different species get to the fledgling stage (learning to fly) at different times anywhere from 3 to 9 weeks after being hatched. They are usually able to reproduce a year after being hatched.