Australian Zoo Welcomes Tiger Cubs!
Born at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia in the wee hours of the morning on August 27th 2011, these cute little bundles of stripe are Sumatran Tiger cubs. The cubs are two males and one female, with the female being the most adventorous and playful of the three. Their names are Sakti, Kartika and Kembali (meaning ‘invincible, or powerful’, ‘the great’ and ‘return’ in Sumatra) , and they represent a big step for a population that has dwindled below 400 specimens in the wild. Their population has taken such a huge hit as a result of the deforrestation of their natural habitat. However, zoos like Taronga have been making huge efforts to breed and conserve members of this awe-inpiring population. With over 30 Sumatran tigers bred on their grounds since 1979, the experts at Taronga are doing their best to insure that these awesome cats don’t become just a memory.