Author: The Zookeeper

Baby Animals Need Sleep

Just like human babies need their rest, baby animals need to get as many naps as they can because sleep is a vital time in a newborn’s development. However, human babies tend to fall...

Fox Cubs, Kits and Pups

Known for being slightly smaller than a domestic dog, and for it’s long snout, perked up ears, and bushy tail, the fox is a creature that can be found all over the world. Although...

Jaguars Born in Nicaraguan Zoo

A pair of jaguars were born in early January in the National Zoo of Nicaragua. Although there are several cat species in the Central American country the jaguar is the largest. The newborns are...

Baby Wolverines Start Out Cute

Also known as a glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch; the wolverine is the largest member of the same family as weasels, although it resembles a small bear more than it does any member...

Baby Hares are Leverets not Bunnies

As much as you would like to, you shouldn’t call baby hares “bunnies” or “bunny rabbits” because of course they have their own proper name which is “leveret”. The difference between rabbits and hares...

Everyone Loves Little Lambs

One of the cutest and softest creatures in the world, lambs are the adorable offspring or rams and ewes (male and female sheep). Born in groups of just one or two, lambs emerge after...