EEK! Don’t Freak – These Baby Mice Are Adorable!
Members of the genus Mus have come to garner a lot of ill will from the humans who they benefit from. Mice have the unfortunate reputation for being dirty and disgusting, which causes people to fear and hate them.. but did you know mouse babies were so cute? These little rodents begin tiny and pink, but within days grow a grey or brown coat.
People and mice have a relationship which goes beyond traps and hiding in closets. Mice have flourished as a result of human activity, and humans use mice for a whole host of important things such as laboratory testing, feeding larger pets (like snakes) and even keeping them as pets of their own. Not convinced? Once you see these adorable baby mice, you won’t be able to help but want one of your very own. The good news is that mouse pups are plentiful – mouse mamas breed year round and birth their babies within a gestation period of only 20 days. Wow!