Baby Seals: The Cutest Burglars Possible
Okay, we know that seals are wild animals, and that anytime you encounter a wild animal you should call authorities and have it brought back to its natural habitat, but we’d have some serious trouble not just putting a blanket on a baby seal if if broke into our home and took a nap on our couch. These adorable pictures were taken by a New Zealand woman who woke up one night to find that a baby fur seal had left the ocean, crawled across a highway, her fence, and through her doggy door in order to take a nap on her couch. Animal control experts were called in and they returned the new-born seal (who had just recently weened off of his mother) to the water. We commend the woman for not giving in and putting a blanky and an old-timey sleeping hat on the cute little guy and attempting to keep him; we would’ve had trouble not doing that.