Best of the Zoos’ Recent Batch
Whether you like the idea of zoos or not, you must like that today more than ever we are able to follow the lives of baby animals. What is wrong with zoos? Well, hopefully your local zoo has excellent facilities and resources to take great care of their wildlife but in the past and in many places around the world the zoos (and private animal keepers) have not been able to provide enough of the proper type of care to keep their various animals healthy and happy. But setting that issue aside, what the proliferation of keeping wild animals captive has allowed us in this age of digital documentation is an unprecedented view at the birth and whole life cycle of a wide variety of creatures in the animal kingdom. Here at this site we are happy to focus on any baby animals in the wild (or domestic breeds) but zoos have given us a great opportunity to capture some kodak moments.
With this gallery we wanted to highlight the amazing variety of animal births happening in zoos every day. For hundreds of years interested seekers fought disease, dangers and difficult terrain to go searching in far-off jungles for a glimpse of some of these animals just to confirm their existence. Now, many 24 hour webcams provide us with a permanent record of every waking (and sleeping) second of many animals’ lives. You may be lucky enough that your local zoo will have some of the young ones on exhibit so go have a look at your earliest convenience. For now, here is a little fix for you of the “best of” highlights of the last year or so.