Kittens in Proper Attire: Like Little Bosses!
Hey Baby Animal Zoo fans! We came across a pretty funny string of images, and couldn’t help but share them with you – so today you get a break from facts and candid shots of cute baby animals in the wild doing their natural thing and instead get a dose of everyone’s favorite thing: making cats look like little people by putting costumes on them! Have you ever seen anything so simultaneously adorable and frustrating (for the cat) as a necktie and a hat? Full disclosure: we’re aware that some of these are photoshopped (we can tell from the pixels, and having seen a number of shops in our time), but that doesn’t make any one of these cute pictures any less precious or hilarious! Love kittens? Have some great cats-in-costumes pictures? Share them with us! Comment and we’ll feature them in a later article.
- Kittens Plotting World Domination: You Knew It Was Happening!