Baby Animal Zoo

Ocelots: Cute Wild Cats

Appearance wise, an ocelot is a mixture of leopard and a house cat, making it one of the cutest feline species in the world. These small wild cats can be found in Bolivia, Mexico,...

Cutesy Couger Cubs Born Spotted

Unlike the adults, cougar cubs are born with black markings – stripes and spots. As they grow up they gradually lose all of the black coloration and by they time they are about 2 1/2...

Ducklings Will Follow Anyone!

There’s no doubt about it, ducklings are one of the cutest baby animals that exist in the entire world, and they’re also one of the most predictable. We say that because, without fail, ducklings...

Chipmunks Are Always Cute

Known for their small size, and  chubby-cheeked cuteness, chipmunks are a tiny member of the squirel family that never grow larger than 4 to 7 in (10 to 18 cm) in length and 1...

Moose Calves

Although the moose is the biggest of all deer, the baby moose still starts out pretty small albeit with long goofy legs. Even grown moose have spindly legs to more easily wade into rivers...

Baby Belugas

Living in the frigid Arctic and sub-arctic waters of the farthest points of the northen hemisphere, beluga whales are a species of whale known for their blunt, rounded heads, and their lovely song. After...