White-Faced Saki Monkeys: More Cute Than You Can Fit In A Sack!
We’re not going to lie folks, white-face Saki Monkeys grow up to be kind of scary looking, but when they’re babies, they’re pretty adorable. Natives of Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela; these monkeys are born after 20-21 weeks of gestation and nurse for an additional 23 weeks after that. They often can be found in the tree canopies of these countries, preferring a tropical environment of the rainforest, and often grow up to weigh less than 4 pounds and stand only about 20 inches tall. They live primarily on a diet of berries, and have been observed to live up to 35 years in captivity, so the adorable baby in these photos (taken at a zoo in Miami) will probably have a long and fun life of playing in his habitat. They sleep in an adorable coil position (like kittens!) and are known to mate for life; they’re love monkeys! As with all wild animals, they shouldn’t be hugged if you see one, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to give a baby saki monkey a friendly wave next time you’re at the zoo! Make sure you say “hi!” during the day though, because much like humans, these mammals like to be active in the day time and sleep at night.